Lehr propane-powered outboards
The new quiet-running four-stoke Lehr propane-powered outboards created a real buzz in Miami, taking Green Product honors from West Marine and recognition from the judges for the National Marine Manufacturer’s Innovation Awards. Lehr moved on from its lawn-and-garden propane product line by introducing two small outboards at the show, a 2.5- and a 5-horsepower model that can run off either camping gas canisters or larger propane tanks similar to what one would use to power, say, a barbecue. The 2.5-horsepower short-shaft model will run wide open (4,000 rpm) for about an hour on a camping gas canister, which is inserted into an opening in the engine’s cover. Throttle back to 3,000 rpm and you’ll more than double the run time. A 20-pound propane bottle will power the engine for about 50 hours, or roughly the same run time as a conventional outboard and 5-gallon tank. The more powerful model comes in both long- and short-shaft configurations. Notes Lehr founder and CEO, Capt. Bernardo Herzer, the engines will cost you about half as much to run as a gasoline-powered outboard because propane is less expensive than gas. Better yet, CO2 and carbon monoxide emissions are greatly reduced. The first shipment of engines from the Los Angeles-based company is on its way to dealers. Average price for the 2.5-horsepower model will be just under $1,000; expect to find the 5-horsepower engine for about $1,600. The company expects to develop larger engines, too; look for one in the 10-horsepower range later this year. Lehr, www.golehr.com