U.S. Sailboat Show Seminars, sponsored by B&G Electronics and presented by Cruising World, are held in the ballroom of the Annapolis Waterfront Marriott Hotel. For updates, check cruisingworld.com/annapolisseminars
Thursday, October 10, 2013
10:30-11:45 am
Understanding Diesel Engines: Diesel engine guru Larry Berlin from Mack Boring offers essential tips on troubleshooting and maintenance.
12:00-1:30 pm
Getting the most from your instruments: B&G Technical Specialist and Grand Prix Professional Navigator Matt Fries explores marine electronics and their calibration, and addresses the unique challenges specific to sailing with practical technology solutions.
The Weather Briefing: Lee Chesneau, senior meteorologist for Lee Chesneau’s Marine Weather, challenges the audience on marine weather skills with an overview of graphic marine-weather warnings, analyses, and forecast charts, plus pointers on how to improve weather-forecasting skills.
4:00-5:15 pm
Parachute Sea Anchors and Storm Drogues: Drag device inventor Zach Smith discusses how constant rode tension improves the use of para-anchors and storm drogues. Formulas for bridles, riding sail and weight set-ups for all vessel types included.
Friday, October 11, 2013
10:00-11:45 am
Don Street’s Offshore Preparations: Don Street, author of The Ocean Sailing Yacht and veteran of more than 50 years of offshore passages, discusses aspects of preparing for blue water cruising not covered in lectures or articles in magazines.
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Mediterranean Magic: Join noted author and speaker Liza Copeland as she takes you cruising across the Mediterranean Sea, showing you its many cultures, anchorages and ancient sites. Liza covers details on weather dynamics, accessing forecasts, moorage, boat facilities, officialdom, communications, security, and inland travel.
2:00-3:30 pm
Celebrating Sailing with Gary Jobson: Cruising World and Sailing World editor at large, author, TV personality, and America’s Cup winner will recap America’s Cup 34 and all the intrigue leading up to it. He’ll also discuss racing across oceans, record speed sailing, classics, and the best cruising in the world.
4:00-5:30 pm
Voyage planning with Jimmy Cornell: in the age of electronic charts and climate change: In spite of electronic charts and the latest aids to navigation, voyage planning is still just as important as in the days of astronavigation and trailing logs. Preparing for a fourth circumnavigation, this time via the Northwest Passage, Jimmy Cornell will share his views on the subject and let you into the secret of how he managed to sail over 200,000 miles in all oceans of the world without ever getting into serious trouble.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
10:00-12:00 am
Jimmy Cornell presents Planning Your Dream Voyage: Plan an offshore voyage from the U.S. East Coast to the Caribbean and Europe and back. Jimmy covers routing suggestions, weather, prevailing weather patterns, tropical storm areas and seasons, climate change and the possible effects.
12:30-2:00 pm
Getting the most from your instruments: B&G Technical Specialist and Grand Prix Professional Navigator Matt Fries explores marine electronics and their calibration, and addresses the unique challenges specific to sailing with practical technology solutions.
2:15-3:45 pm
Atlantic Crossing; Preparations for Blue Water Voyaging: Matt Rutherford, who sailed his Albin Vega 27 singlehanded and non-stop from Annapolis, through the Northwest Passage, around Cape Horn and back to Annapolis, knows a thing or two about mounting an extended voyage. This summer aboard his new steel-hulled sailboat Ault, Matt toured the Atlantic collecting data as part of the Ocean Research Project, a non-profit he formed to take researchers and scientists to sea. A “how to” primer for crossing the Atlantic.
4:00-5:15 pm
Panel Discussion-The Elements of a Modern Day Cruising Yacht: Join Cruising World‘s Boat of the Year judges and industry experts in a discussion about the many different elements that make up the ideal modern day cruising yacht. Join the panel discussion, get advice from these experienced blue water and coastal sailors and learn from this elite group of experts on design, systems, comfort and safety.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
9:00-10:15 am
Getting to the Bahamas and Exploring Once You’re There: Pam Wall has sailed around the world, but the Bahamas are her favorite cruising grounds. Pam will walk you through the planning stages, discuss picking the right weather window and preview all the beauty there is to see and explore in and around these magnificent islands, so near, yet so far.
10:30-11:45 am
Cruising Couples, an Egalitarian Approach to Cruising: Teresa Carey and Ben Eriksen discuss blending the masculine and feminine roles on a boat so that both partners feel empowered to take the helm and manage the vessel. Topics include choosing a captain and the captain’s role, increasing trust in your partner and how to pass control to your partner.
12:00-1:30 pm
Outfitting for Blue Water Cruising: Pam Wall, offshore sailor, circumnavigator, expert sailing outfitter and noted lecturer addresses the details about going offshore. Pam covers all the preparations and technical aspects you need to know before setting off to sea. Pam’s blue water experience will help you choose the proper and most suitable equipment for your boat.
2:00-3:30 pm
Cruising the Pacific Northwest to Alaska: Liza Copeland brings to life her 2 ½ month cruise this summer to Alaska from her home port of Vancouver. The Pacific Northwest is one of the most stunning cruising destinations in the world with its dramatic scenery, abundant wildlife and thousands of anchorages and islands. Included will be an overview of the region-moorage, facilities, weather, piloting, border officialdom and chartering.
4:00-5:30 pm
Don Street, the Caribbean Guru, discusses the entire Caribbean, east, south, west, north,focusing on the seldom visited islands in the middle of the Caribbean.
Speakers and schedule are subject to change. There is no charge for admission to the seminars. Admission is first come, first served. Seating may be limited, so arrive early.
For updates, check www.cruisingworld.com/annapolisseminars