
Boaters Must Speak Up Now On Anchoring in Florida

FWC Online Survey Closes Dec. 7

WHAT: In 2009, the Florida Legislature enacted legislation that stopped local governments from placing inconsistent and often onerous restrictions on anchoring. During the 2014 Florida legislative session there were strong attempts to repeal part of this prohibition. While these changes were defeated, there will likely be new legislation introduced in the spring that would grant local governments the authority to regulate anchoring in their municipalities. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is now asking for comments on possible changes to Florida’s anchoring laws. It is important to take the FWC survey to register your opinions on anchoring restrictions to help influence what could be allowed by the state legislature.

WHY: Boat Owners Association of The United States would like to ensure that active, responsible cruising boaters help the state understand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to anchoring laws in the Sunshine State. If having a full range of anchoring and mooring options are important to your cruising in Florida, this is a critical time to share your views with FWC about potential anchoring regulations.

HOW: Take the FWC survey and file your comments at: For additional survey information, visit the FWC website at More information on anchoring in Florida is at


WHEN: Boaters only have until midnight Sunday, December 7, 2014 to complete the survey and file any comments they may have.

WHO: Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) fights against unfair federal taxes, fees and regulations that single out boat owners and works with state agencies to promote boating laws that make sense.
