Boating and fishing journalists were recognized February 13 during the Miami Boat Show in the culmination of an annual writing contest conducted by the membership of Boating Writers International (BWI). Presentations in 17 contest categories representing $17,000 in awards were made to first ($500), second ($300) and third ($200) place scorers. Cash award recipients also received a recognition plaque noting their “Excellence in creating compelling stories about the boating lifestyle through entertaining, educational and inspiring journalism.”
In its 22nd year, the BWI contest attracted 134 participants submitting 349 entries. In addition to cash awards, Certificates of Merit were presented to writers of another 60 articles which scored within 95 percent of third-place tallies in each category. All submissions to the contest were published in 2014. Each of the categories (noted below along with sponsors) was judged by four active journalists in the first few weeks of the New Year.
Congratulations to the writers from Cruising World and sister publications Yachting, Boating and Sport Fishing:
Seamanship, Rescue & Safety
Sponsored by Sea Tow Services International
3rd: “Sinking Boats for Safety” by John Page Williams (Boating, July)
Boating Photography
Sponsored by Freedom Boat Club
3rd: “Ramiti” by Neville Hockley (Cruising World, Jan.)
Boating Issues, News and Analysis
Sponsored by Mercury Marine
1st: “The Future: Electric Boats” by Vincent Daniello (Yachting, Dec.)
“Starting with a solid lead, this well researched article on ‘The Future’ quickly brings the reader through a century of innovation with a realistic eye on the not too distant future of electric propulsion,” noted judge Alan Wendt.
Boat Projects, Renovations & Retrofits
Sponsored by Awlgrip North America
2nd: “The Falcon Soars Again” by Herb McCormick (Cruising World, Oct.)
Merit Award: “Lights of a Different Color” by Green Brett (Cruising World, Feb.)
Boating Adventures
Sponsored by Yamaha Marine Group
2nd: “From Zero to Racing” by Tasha Hacker (Cruising World, Aug.)
Awards of Merit: “Use Yourself Up” by Webb Chiles (Cruising World, Nov.);
“Aboard Pillar with Papa” by Vincent Daniello (Yachting, June).
Boat Tests & Reviews – sponsored by Volvo Penta
1st: “Sea-Doo Spark” by Jeff Hemmel (Boating, June)
Judge Carol Cronin writes, “The Spark test is a very helpful review for potential buyers, showing off both strengths and potential weaknesses. Best of all, its playful tone matches the intended audience.”
Merit Certificates: “A Test of Time” by Daniel Harding (Yachting, Nov.)
“Going Her Own Way” by Patrick Sciacca (Yachting, Aug.).
Boating Travel or Destinations
Sponsored by Martin Flory Group
1st: “Pot of Gold” by Nadine Slavinski (Cruising World, Dec.)
Judge Alan Jones said, “‘Pot of Gold’ transports the reader across the Pacific to Sydney where the author experiences the beauty and the culture along with the frantic energy the city’s harbor exudes.”
Merit Awards: “Together Time” by David Reed (Cruising World, Dec.)
“A Season Down South” by Jen Brett (Cruising World, Sept.)
Gear, Electronics & Product Tests
Sponsored by Xantrex/Schneider Electric
3rd: “A Vane To Steer Her By” by Alvah Simon (Cruising World, July)
Merit certificates: “Flares: Flaming Out?” by Earl MacKenzie (Cruising World, Nov.)
“Cruising NOAA’s Arc” by Ralph Naranjo (Cruising World, July)
Boating Lifestyles
Sponsored by Discover Boating
3rd: “Family Affairs” by Gary Goodlander (Cruising World, June)
Certificates of Merit: “Back in the Day” by Alvah Simon (Cruising World, Oct.)
“The Cat with Nine Lives” by Randy West (Cruising World, June)
Boating Profiles
Sponsored by ZF Marine
Merit Award: “When Lin met Larry” by Herb McCormick (Cruising World, Feb.)
Sponsored by Suzuki Motor Corporation
Merit Award: “Raising Havoc” by Jim Hendricks (Sport Fishing, Oct.)
Technical Writing
Sponsored by Dometic Marine
Merit: “Now You See It” by Ralph Naranjo (Cruising World, May)
For the full list of awards and categories, visit Boating Writers International.