Magellan eXplorist 510
Trailer-sailors and others who live on inland lakes or enjoy exploring them—as well as coastal cruisers who want a state-of-the-art handheld navigation device at their fingertips—will appreciate the eXplorist 510 Marine Edition handheld GPS unit from Magellan. The Marine Edition combines Magellan’s rugged, waterproof eXplorist 510 Outdoor GPS navigator with exclusive Navionics marine charts and content for 12,000 U.S. lakes and coastal coverage up to two miles offshore. The coastal data includes information on depths, tides, currents, wrecks, marsh areas, and marine services. The unit itself features a user-friendly menu, a built-in camera, and a 3-inch sunlight-readable color touch screen. All Navionics charts and marine info are pre-loaded on a MicroSD card that’s included with the device.
$480, http://www.magellangps.com