
Health Insurance for Cruising Couples

A discussion in the forums highlights the issue of health insurance for offshore cruisers. "Community Spotlight" for our September 24, 2009, CW Reckonings

Passport to health 368

Where do you turn for health insurance offshore? Courtesy Of Passport Yachts

Health care concerns don’t disappear with everything else when cruisers toss the lines off the dock. Member, moonchaser, plans to go cruising with his wife this fall and has inquired about health care options in the forums. The responses so far have suggested several companies to research. They have also mentioned the possibility of getting good healthcare in island countries and also Central and South America. As the health care debate plays out in D.C. it’s hard to imagine things getting easier for getting adequate and affordable U.S. health care while cruising. We’d like to know what other cruisers have done to get health insurance while under way; please chime in.

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