Sunset Dutch Island
Well, we did it! We left Narragansett Bay in our wake, and it feels great. In spite of living on a boat, and even being a Cruising World editor, it’s shocking how infrequently we get “out there.” So even though our time is limited, or perhaps because of this, this little adventure is extra sweet.
I always love getting into the cruising mindset, from provisioning and stowing to forgetting what day it is (it’s amazing how fast that happens). Nothing beats the freedom of going where the wind blows you, dropping anchor in a new place, and ending the day with a great sunset followed by a dinner in the cozy saloon. It’s the best, and this little fall New England cruise is made all the better from sharing it with our girls and my mom-in-law (who’s quite an accomplished cruiser herself).

Quality time with Grandma while sailing to Block Island.
Our plan was ambitious– take two weeks and sail directly to Maine, do some coastal cruising, and then return to Newport. Well, two weeks has been whittled down a little bit, and the weather has already nixed Maine, but we’re still having a blast. So far, we’ve anchored off of Dutch Island in the west passage of Narragansett Bay, had a rollicking sail to Block Island (Cuttyhunk was the goal yesterday, but wind gods had something else in mind), and are now enjoying some down time and island exploration. Where next? Who knows! Isn’t that one of the joys of cruising?
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when thinking about untying the dock lines and sailing off into the sunset. Sure, that’s an excellent dream, and one that many of us share, and quite a few are able to accomplish. But I’m here to tell you that any cruising at all is better than nothing, be it an afternoon, a weekend, a few weeks or months. Take whatever time you can to get into that cruising state of mind. Ditch your schedule. Be out of touch. Sail somewhere. Have fun.

Exploring the beach at Block Island.

Trader Joe’s just might be my favorite place to get cruising treats– shelf-stable whipping cream and cans of cafe mocha? I’ll take it!