
Reader Tip: How to Tie a Trucker’s Hitch

Learn how to tie a trucker's hitch with this simple user submitted step-by-step guide.

Reader Gene Banman, a former long-haul trucker, submitted this useful series of photos demonstrating how to tie a trucker’s hitch. “If you look closely at the “pulley” system set up by the trucker’s hitch, you’ll see that there’s a 2:1 mechanical advantage between the loop and the working end of the line that’s passed through it. As the slipknot slips closed, the working end gains slack at a 2:1 advantage over the loop.”

Step 1

1. Form a bight in the line Gene Banman

Step 2

2. Pass it under the standing line. This creates a loop opposite the bight. Gene Banman

Step 3

3. Cross the working line down over this resulting loop. Gene Banman

Step 4

4. Bring the bight back over the standing line with no twisting. Gene Banman

Step 5

5. Again with no twisting, bring the bight through the loop. Gene Banman

Step 6

6. Pull both ends of the line tight. Gene Banman

Step 7

7. Wrap the running part of the line around the object you want to tie and back through the loop you created. Cinch tight and finish with a slippery hitch. Gene Banman