The Sea Less Sailed
The complexities of Japan’s weather, culture, and bureaucracy veil a rich and, for this crew, treasured tapestry
by Alvah Simon
Special Feature Section
Ocean Explorer
Sound Advice for cruisers under power or sail
A Navigator’s Guide for Passage Planning
Current, contour, and weather all play into it
by Ralph Naranjo
Weather for the Long Haul
A crew uses GRIB files for their South Pacific transit
by Beth A. Leonard
A Long-Distance Voyage Close to Home?
North America’s Great Loop is thousands of miles of thrill
by Elaine Lembo
Count on Your Compass
It’s still the best navigation device, bar none
by Jeremy McGeary
On Watch by Capn’ Fatty Goodlander
Shoreline edited by Elaine Lembo
Off Watch Osprey’s Flight by Wendy Mitman Clarke
Sailing Life
Passage Notes by Elaine Lembo
Point of View by Ron Schaper
People and Food by Antonia Murphy
Hands-On Sailor
An Ounce of Prevention
Seamanship: This quick and secure system will keep the boom on most boats in place
by Beth A. Leonard
Making a Mast
Backyard Warrior: Who knew an aluminum light pole would work just fine?
By Ben Zartman
Beware of the Odor
Monthly Maintenance: Use hose designed specifically for sanitation systems
by Steve D’Antonio
Testing Small-Dome Broadband Sat-Coms
Electronics: These systems provide constant connectivity at a fraction of the cost
by Gram Schweikert
Beneteau First 40 and First 35
Boat Reviews: This performance-oriented line unveils two next-generation models
by Alvah Simon and Bill Springer
Diving Made Easy
New Products: Save air while diving with a personal propulsion system; use sound waves to keep the bottom fair; step in and out of the dinghy easily with this rail
by Bill Springer
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