Sunsail is offering an International Certificate of Competence (ICC) training course and test through Britain’s Royal Yachting Association curriculum, on flotillas in Greece and Croatia from May 2 to September 26, 2016.
Certification proves competence to bareboat charter in European cruising grounds. In the United States, it’s known as the International Proficiency Certificate (IPC) and is offered through the American Sailing Association.
On the Sunsail flotilla, the curriculum includes the RYA Start Yachting Course, RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship online course (to be completed prior to departure), and the ICC course and examination. A maximum of three sailors will be able to sit for the ICC course and examination at the end of the Flotilla.
For details on the ICC flotilla, contact sunsail at www.sunsail.com/sailing-schools/zero-hero.
For details on the ICP, contact the ASA at www.asa.com/international-proficiency-certificate.