
May 2005

edited by David W. Shaw
Sailing with the whales, the first American Vendee Globe finisher, print-on-demand charts, People and Food, Jimmy Cornell, and more

Keeping It Fun!
Passage Notes by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
The secret behind so many successful voyaging couples is no secret at all: They know how to keep it fun

The Making of a Sailor
Under Way by Donald J. Wolf
If your mother wasn’t a mermaid and your father wasn’t King Neptune, well, trial and error will have to do


Around the World in a Teacup
Sailor Profile by Kicki Ericson
At an age when most people are ready to retire in comfort, Nils Bennich-Bjorkman began crossing oceans in a 21-footer of his own design

Life Is Part of Cruising
Log of Ithaka by Douglas Bernon
News of an ailing relative can remind us that the best yardstick for cruising isn’t how many miles we log in a year but how fully we manage to live



Islands That Time Forgot
by Niki Perryman
If they couldn’t pinpoint exactly why the Galapagos Islands had been on their wish list for so long, their landfall surely erased any lingering doubts

Smoke on the Water
by Ed Lawrence
When a trailer-sailing adventure on Yellowstone Lake coincides with one of the driest seasons on record, the visuals become positively flamboyant

Closing the Big Fat Circle
by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
The final leg of Cap’n Fatty and Carolyn’s globe-girdling adventure included one death-defying leap ashore at Napoleon’s last stop, St. Helena


Fairweather and Foul
by Dan Spurr
The S&S-designed Seguin 52, built by Lyman-Morse, is one man’s exquisitely realized search for solace from the sea


Breaking the Code
Sails 2005 by Kenny Wooton
Today’s hankless headsails will keep you moving in light air, on or off the breeze


Heavy Hitters for Light Air
Sails 2005 by Carol Hasse
This veteran sailmaker learned early on–with a powerful current sweeping her boat toward Galapagos rocks–the value of good light-air sails on a voyaging boat

Ghosting Across the Tasman
Boathandling by Evans Starzinger
The boisterous passage between Australia and New Zealand is infamous for storms, but good light-air techniques got them across without getting pasted

Ocean Challenges New and Old
Offshore Sailing by Webb Chiles
Two passages from New Zealand to Tahiti separated by 30 years remind this sailor that some things never change


A Pack of Pocket Cruisers
Boat Test by Jeremy McGeary
Four boats under 32 feet–the 20-foot Com-Pac Eclipse, the Etap 24i, the Hunter 27, and the TomCat 9.7–rekindle the feeling that big adventures can come in small packages

A “Family Singlehander”
Boat Review by Jack A. Somer
The Atlantic 51 blends no-nonsense sailing performance with the Dutch love of craftsmanship in metal and wood

Designer’s Choice
Classic Plastic by Ron Chevrier
Pearson’s in-house designer drew the 365 for himself, and almost 30 years later, the model has launched countless cruising dreams

Clean Up Your Act
New Products by Jeremy McGeary
Six ways to keep your boat looking and smelling its best


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