Sailor & Galley: Share Your Recipe!

Would you like to be featured in Sailor & Galley? CW is looking for tasty stories from cruisers near and far.
Lynda Morris Childress shopping
What’s cooking? Send us the recipe and story for Sailor & Galley about a memorable meal on board. Courtesy Lynda Morris Childress

Do you have a favorite sailboat recipe you’d like to share? We’d love to see it! 

Send us the recipe, along with two or three photos of yourself aboard your boat.

Tell us: Why is this recipe one of your favorites? 

Do you remember the first time, or another memorable time, you made the dish aboard your boat, or a fellow cruiser’s boat? Share the story with us!

Caribbean spread
Feast or famine? CW would love to hear your stories surrounding your favorite recipe. Hemis/ Alamy Stock Photo

Also please tell us a bit about where you cruise, with whom, as well as your boat’s design and name. For examples, please take a minute to read CW’s Sailor & Galley (formerly People & Food) on our website and in our print issues.

High-quality, digital photos are important and should be sent with your story. Images should be at least 2 MB in size. (Hint: Set your camera to its highest image-quality setting). 

Your submission does not need to include photos of your finished recipe.

Email recipes to subject line “Sailor & Galley.”

Payment is $150 for recipes and photos selected for use. We look forward to hearing from you!