With camera in hand, San Diego’s Bobby G., as he was universally known, spent the better part of two decades capturing the spirit of life on the water.
Bobby Grieser, well known in yachting circles as one of the elite photographers in the sport, and whose work frequently appeared in Cruising World, passed away January 31 after a four month series of illnesses in San Diego, California. He was 70 years old.
Born in Washington, D.C., and growing up around the Chesapeake Bay, Bobby took to the outdoor life, notes a report in Scuttlebutt Sailing News. He was a photographer at the Washington Star in Washington, D.C. for 15 years before moving west to work for the Los Angeles Times, where he stayed for 18 years. Bobby covered such diverse topics as riots, war zones in Somalia and White House events over the years.
But in 1998, he left for the excitement of freelancing in the yachting, adventure, travel and leisure industries. His passion to explore and appreciate his surroundings fueled his work. As a principle with OutsideImages.com, he helped to create a remarkable inventory of stock marine imagery.
He photographed some of the world’s most beautiful yachts, and for many years chronicled the Heineken Regatta, as well as the Louis Vuitton Series and the America’s Cup. He became good friends with Dennis Connor, did feature stories on sailing all over the world and later, some bareboat chartering as skipper. Bobby had salt water in his veins.
He leaves behind his loving and lovely wife Georgia and countless friends and colleagues who loved him.