The Storm Trysail Foundation, in cooperation with the Storm Trysail Club, will hold its fourth Hands-On Safety at Sea Seminar at the New York State Maritime College at Fort Schuyler in the Bronx, New York on Saturday April 23, 2016.
According to Seminar Chairman Charles (Butch) Ulmer, “This advanced seminar is aimed at serious coastal and offshore sailors, or those who want to be. About half our past attendees are active racers and use the seminar to prepare for the Newport-Bermuda, Transatlantic and other major races. Full ISAF (international) certification is available for those who complete the on-line curriculum, the one day seminar, and then take an online test.”
Seminar Moderator Rich du Moulin added, “This Seminar is revolutionary. The Storm Trysail Foundation, in coordination with US Sailing and Jobson Sailing, has produced a series of on-line learning modules that supplement the Hands-On activities at the seminar. Another differentiator is the emphasis placed on leadership and crew teamwork as key elements in safety and survival at sea. It is not just about hardware.”
The Hands-On sessions will include: fire fighting, pyrotechnics, survival swimming and life raft deployment, damage control, and actual Man Overboard drills on ocean racing yachts. Firing flares, shooting fire extinguishers, jumping in a pool in full foul weather gear and steering a forty-foot ocean racer is as far as you can get from sitting in a hotel ball-room for eight hours suffering from PowerPoint overload.
SUNY Maritime is conveniently located for everyone in the New York City Metropolitan area. There is no need to book a hotel room to attend this seminar.
This certification meets a requirement for the Newport Bermuda Race.
To get on the information list for the seminar, e-mail: