
Anatomy of a Photo Shoot: Watching the Sausage Makers

CW Senior Editor Herb McCormick takes to the sea for a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of a Jeanneau America video.

Jeanneau Bahamas

Billy Black

As frigid winter winds hurled slush and misery at those left behind in Cruising World‘s Newport, Rhode Island, headquarters, senior editor Herb McCormick donned shorts and boat shoes last February and hopped aboard the new Jeanneau 469 in Miami for a 24-hour marathon dash to Cat Cay in the Bahamas. The mission: A tropical photo shoot with marine photographer Billy Black and Team Jeanneau America.

Herb’s account of the new Jeanneau and the trip across the Gulf Stream and back appears in CW‘s July issue. In the meantime, you can get a taste of what he endured in this video the Jeanneau crew stitched together and you can read their side of the story in the blog entry Jeanneau America President Paul Fenn wrote in his own defense.
