Design Contest
CW’s editors are excited to announce a new yacht-design contest: Cruising World’s Westlawn/Island Packet Yachts Design Competition. Its purpose is to encourage and highlight new and exciting designs for serious cruising under sail. Entered designs must meet the following criteria:
1. The LOA must measure between 30 and 65 feet.
2. The design must be a sailboat and may have more than one hull.
3. The boat must be designed for serious cruising by two or more sailors for a three-week cruise, minimum.
4. The design may be for coastwise or offshore cruising.
5. The design may be traditional or modern, conservative or radically innovative.
6. The designer must submit a clear mission statement for the design, explaining the goals of the design and how these goals are met. The maximum length of this statement is 1,000 words.
7. The designer must submit at least the following data:
a. General dimensions (LOA, WL, beam, waterline beam, draft)
b. Displacement
c. Sail area
d. DL ratio
e. SA/D ratio
f. Ballast and ballast/displacement ratio
8. The minimum drawings to be submitted are: sail plan/outboard profile, deck plan, arrangement plan, and inboard profile; at least four joiner sections; at least one construction section at midships; hull lines.
9. Drawings must be submitted to scale as either manual drawings or CAD.
a. CAD files may be submitted on CD, either in AutoCAD .dwg or .dxf format, and must be finished 2D drawings (not 3D files) ready to print. Print size is to be set up for paper no wider than 24 inches (609 mm.).
b. Renderings must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format.
c. Manual drawings must be no larger than E size (36 inches by 48 inches or 914 x 1219 cm.).
d. Do not send original drawings. Drawings will not be returned.
10. The design must not be previously built or published elsewhere other than in preview form on a designer’s website before Cruising World’s announcement of winner(s) in the August 2007 issue.
11. No more than two designs may be submitted by any one entrant.
12. The competition is open except to employees (and family members) of the Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, the American Boat & Yacht Council, Island Packet Yachts, and World Publications. (ABYC members may enter, but not ABYC employees.)
The judges panel will consist of top designers and sailing experts and will judge entries on:
The designs’ potential success and utility as cruising boats
How well the designs meet their mission statement
Beauty (classic, modern, or ultramodern)
Innovation (whether in modern or traditional designs)
Ease of handling
All criteria will have equal weight.
The judges will select from all entries a group of up to 12 finalists. From these, one winner and up to four honorable mentions will be selected.
Mail your design entry to: Cruising World Design Competition, Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, 613 Third Street, Suite 10 Annapolis MD 21403. All entries must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2007.
Awards: The winner will have his or her design featured in an article in Cruising World and will receive a prize of a $2,000 scholarship to any Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology course or $1,000 check, at the winner’s option, along with a certificate as the winner of Cruising World’s Westlawn/Island Packet Design Competition of 2007. Honorable mentions will receive a certificate.