Island Packet is getting mileage out of this hull, which first appeared as the aft-cockpit IP 440, then, with a modified stern, as the center-cockpit IP465. In the IP460, the extended hull is given an aft-cockpit layout, combining the most-in-demand features of both elements.
By angling the transom aft, the builder has extended the deck, and by refusing to follow the Euro doctrine of sculpted platforms recessed into the transom retains the deck space, the stowage volume beneath it, and the security of a full-width pushpit. Access to the swim/boat-boarding platform is via a stainless-steel ladder.
The IP philosophy pertains belowdecks, too, where the accommodations are designed to be unashamedly commodious for two couples, each of which is assigned a roomy cabin with full amenities. The huge galley is three-fourths enclosed, assuring that the cook can work in security or with lavish abandon, as conditions allow.
LOA 48′ 9″ (14.86 m.)
LWL 38′ 1″ (11.61 m.)
Beam 14′ 4″ (4.37 m.)
Draft 5′ 0″ (1.52 m.)
Sail Area 1,148 sq. ft. (107 sq. m.)
Ballast 12,000 lb. (5,443 kg.)
Displacement 32,000 lb. (14,515 kg.)
Ballast/D .38
D/L 259
SA/D 18.2
Water 260 gal. (985 l.)
Fuel 160 gal. (606 l.)
Mast Height 62′ 0″ (18.92 m.)
Engine 75-hp. Yanmar diesel
Designer Bob Johnson
Price (base) $570,000
Island Packet Yachts
(727) 535-6431