A hundred years ago, almost every yacht, of any size, was a daysailer. The idea of spending a night at sea appealed to few. Plus ca change . . . and Morris Yachts is tuned very nicely into that philosophy, extending its line of elegant daysailers ever upward toward a ceiling of as yet undetermined altitude.
The M52 is not a daysailer in the purest sense, because it is built substantially enough to cross oceans and has much of the needed equipment and accommodations but . . . something has to go in the space below. Still, daysailing doesn’t necessarily require returning to the departure point, so it makes perfect sense to take along the wherewithal to rustle up a hot supper and a chilled drink and to spend a comfortable night in a snug anchorage.
In the M52, Morris puts all this together with its customary finest style, so that a visitor from a century ago would feel quite at home, and pleased to discover that the 21st century has not eschewed the niceties of the 20th.
LOA 52′ 11″ (16.12 m.)
LWL 38′ 2″ (11.58 m.)
Beam 14′ (4.27 m.)
Draft (stnd./optional) 6′ 8″/5′ 8″ (2.06/1.75 m.)
Sail Area (100%) 1,414 sq. ft. (131 sq. m.)
Ballast (stnd./optional) 11,391/11,947 lb.
(5,166/5,419 kg.)
Displacement (half load) 34,064 lb. (15,451 kg.)
Ballast/D .33
D/L 275
SA/D 21.5
Water 100 gal. (378 l.)
Fuel 80 gal. (302 l.)
Mast Height 80′ 0″ (24.38 m.)
Engine 75-hp.Yanmar
Designer Sparkman & Stephens
Price $1,380,000
Morris Yachts