Need some guidance on how to work on your boat’s electrical systems? Planning an offshore cruise? Want to get your captain’s license but aren’t sure how to go about it? Our experts can help you learn more! Participate in one of our many seminars and expand your knowledge.
Whether you want to attend one of our free presentations or dig in to the more advanced seminars, we have something for everyone
Highlights include:
Offshore Cruising presented by John and Amanda Neal with Nigel Calder
Self-sufficiency and preparation for your cruising adventures, whether to Mexico, the South Pacific or worldwide are the focus of this intensive eight-hour seminar. Technical guru and author Nigel Calder joins John & Amanda Neal for 18 dynamic topics illustrated with PowerPoint presentations and documented in included 260-page Offshore Cruising Companion. In-depth topics include: Selecting and Outfitting a Boat for Offshore Cruising, Diesel Engine Overview, Storm Survival Tactics, Rigging & Sails, Communications, Anchoring, Piracy & Security, Managing Your Escape, Cost of Cruising and Best Worldwide Cruising Areas. This is the 164th Offshore Cruising Seminar John and Amanda have presented to 12,000 sailors since 1976.
Yo! Row Transpacific Solo presented by Lia Ditton
World-renowned sailor Lia Ditton will be rowing solo across the North Pacific Ocean from Choshi, Japan to San Francisco, California in 2018, inspiring others to dream big and do more. In this presentation, she’ll share her story and her motivation for this exceptional journey.
Marine Weather, Seamanship and Navigation Strategies & Boat Outfitting Symposium presented by Lee Chesneau and Pam Wall
Lee will discuss marine weather fundamentals for offshore cruising including forecasting, decision making, and vessel routing, while Pam will discuss the important equipment to consider having aboard to deal with the WX, the sea state, personal safety and well-being, & to have aboard a well-founded vessel.
Storm Survival Tactics Presented by John & Amanda Swan Neal
Based on their combined 658,000 ocean miles and decades of high-latitude experience, John and Amanda Neal highlight the essence of storm avoidance including latest weather resources. When avoidance is no longer an option, survival becomes critical and ten specific tactics are highlighted including some radical new techniques that keep both crew and boat safe.
These are just a sample of what you can experience. Click here for a full list and to register now!