
Snapshot: Meet the Harbormaster

Jim Caulkett is the harbormaster at busy Glocester, Massachusetts.

Harbor Master

Nadine Slavinski

Ever wonder what the job of harbormaster entails? Jim Caulkett, the harbormaster at Gloucester, Massachusetts, who’s been at it for more than a decade, has a ready explanation.

His multifaceted work covers 62 miles of coastline and includes safety patrols, visits to shoreline construction sites, mooring maintenance and inspections, and, last but not least, public relations. Sometimes this is a challenge. “We run the Welcome Wagon, but there are times when we have to become the Law Enforcers,” he says.

The prerequisites for the job?


Caulkett has more than 40 years of experience on the water, including a long stint with the U.S. Coast Guard that took him around the country and overseas. “I watched the sun rise over the English Channel and the sun set over Siberia above the Arctic Circle,” he says. Given the chance, Caulkett says that he’d enjoy a cruise through the fascinating history of the Mediterranean. Even harbormasters dream of distant horizons!

Do you have a favorite harbor or dock master? Send your story and a photo to!
