In no particular order, here is the work list I compiled and completed during the refit of my Pearson 36, Snoek.
- Oldport Marine to replace Yanmar engine mounts, riser, Raycor fuel filter.
- Refurbish and reinstall original bronze sea strainer.
- Make template, cut and install Soundown sound installation in engine space.
- Sand, prep and paint cabin sole with Interlux Brightside white paint.
- Install new electric automatic bilge pump; run new hose and connect discharge hose to cockpit drain outlet.
- Strip out old galley cupboard and rebuild it and the shelving.
- At mast collar and deck cut out for mast, sand and strip paint/epoxy wood and fiberglass structure.
- Make template, order and install new cabin sole carpet from Snapincarpet.
- Remove, sand, epoxy and varnish all teak trim down below plus polish original brass screws.
- Remove all old deck hardware in prep for deck painting and bring to consignment shop.
- Cut holes and install new small Lewmar hatches above galley and head.
- Replace old leaking hatches in forepeak and main saloon with new Lewmar hatches.
- Bristol Marine to prep and Awlgrip deck (both non skid and white trim) and topsides.
- Vacuum, pressure wash and paint bilge with Interlux Bilgecoat.
- Paint all white interior surfaces with Interlux Brightside paint.
- Prep and paint bottom with Interlux Micron antifouling paint.
- Send complete new running rigging list to Yale Ropes to replace all old running rigging.
- Remove old steering pedestal, plug holes and install new Edson pedestal in new aft cockpit position.
- Bend on new North main and genoa sails and check cruising chute and snuffer.
- Custom Marine Canvas to recover interior cushions, make new cockpit cushions.
- Fit new sail cover and dodger with sliding window from Canvasback using tan Sunbrella fabric.
- Remove old navigation electronics at chart table and cockpit.
- Build new navigation station instrument panel.
- Install new Raymarine instruments, GPS plotters, wind instruments, etc. in nav station and cockpit, and one i70 at forward bunk in forward cabin.
- Install new Pex piping for hot and cold water; install new Scandvik basins, faucets, cockpit shower and hot water heater.
- Install portable 12-volt cooler box and tie downs and run new wiring to panel.
- Install two new sacrificial anodes on prop shaft.
- Oldport Marine to install new stainless propeller, fit Lasdrop stuffing box and new cutlass bearing.
- Oldport to service folding Max Prop propeller.
- Install Mantus bow roller for new Mantus anchor.
- Position, drill holes and install new Imtra Loftrans windlass, foot switches and heavy duty wiring.
- Pull rig, replace old nav masthead tricolor light with new 4-inch fabricated StarBoard base and mount new led Lopo tricolor/anchor light. Install new spreader lights. Replace all wiring in mast and prevent loose wires clanging in mast with unclipped long tail zip ties spaced out every 3 feet.
- Cut 2 inches of off badly corroded mast butt section and fabricate new G10 block riser.
- Install new Tides Marine mainsail track in existing track on rear of mast.
- Install Windex and Raymarine mast head unit.
- Install new heavy duty VHF wire in mast and install new VHF antenna.
- RigPro to replace all 1×19 standing rigging.
- Remove saloon table, clean, sand, repair cracks and apply Interlux Gold Spar satin varnish.
- Remove all old original interior incandescent lights and install all new Imtra LED lights.
- Install and hook up Blue Seas inverter, shore power battery charger, voltage meters, USB chargers and 12v outlets.
- Refurbish old companionway board and fabricate new starboard companionway sliders.
- Drill new hole and install new solar vent in head.
- Seal galley locker floor perimeter with white Total Boat Seal.
- Cut and mill new wood cutting board to fit in new Scandvik galley sink.
- Install new heat exchange pipes from engine to new Scandvik hot water tank and top up coolant liquid in engine.
- Varnish and install Edson cockpit table with TotalBoat penetrating epoxy and finish with Interlux Gold Spar varnish.
- Fabricate custom toe rail bracket for new Armstrong boarding ladder.
- Reinstall refinished saloon table and attach new larger table legs.
- Remove old speed and depth transducers and install new Raymarine transducer through-hull fittings.
- Sand, epoxy and varnish all non-removable interior woodwork.
- Replace old secondary winches with new self-tailing Lewmar winches.
- Fabricate new StarBoard coachroof mounting plates and install new Lewmar sheet stoppers.
- Reinstall varnished companionway stairs and engine door cover.
- Install new Scandvik head sink, head shower faucet and fit swiveling drain plug.
- Run new heavy duty VHF cable from mast base to nav station and solder new connectors.
- Connect new hose and install propane bottle.
- Install new 12-volt fresh water pump to run new wire to circuit breaker board.
- Mark new Imtra anchor chain in driveway and bring aboard with new windlass.
- Replace propane locker drain hose.
- Clean, polish and reinstall original stainless coach roof and foredeck grab rails.
- Install new foredeck mooring cleats.
- Connect Raymarine GPS plotter and remote VHF control mic in new Edson cockpit steering pedestal.
- RigPro to pour new Spartite mast partner.
- Waterproof and seal mast at through deck with new rubber collar.
- Install new foot blocks and large aluminum backing plates at base of mast.
- Install new Lopo stern light and forward nav lights.
- Purchase and install small portable working vice for forepeak and mount it.
- Install Lewar movable genoa cars and tracks and install fabricated 6 foot by 2 inch stainless bar under deck plates, bolts and acorn nuts.
- Fit new sail cover and dodger with sliding window from Canvasback using tan Sunbrella.