The National Sailing Hall of Fame is looking for more nominations to help us honor the heroes of the sport! This year’s public nominating period ends on March 31, so there is still time to nominate the sailor you admire the most. The process is simple – go to the NSHOF website and review the eligibility requirements and nomination categories. Then check that your nominee hasn’t already been inducted into the Hall or nominated. Fill out some basic information about your nominee and press “submit.” It’s easy.
Here’s the link: Sailing Hall of Fame Nominations
Candidates must be at least 55 years old (or in the case of passing before 55, 5 years posthumously), and have made a significant impact on sailing at a national level. While the majority of nominees are US Citizens, foreign nationals may be nominated if their work has contributed significantly to the development of the sport in the USA. Candidates may be Modern (living or deceased) or Historic (deceased 60 years or more at time of selection).