Congrats to Cruising World authors who were recognized at the start of the 2020 Miami International Boat Show in an annual awards program conducted by the membership of Boating Writers International (BWI) for their “Excellence in creating compelling stories about the boating lifestyle through entertaining, educational and inspiring journalism.” In all, CW writers took home three 1st Place awards, three 2nd Place awards, two 3rd Place awards, and four Certificates of Merit.
The BWI Writing Awards, presented for 27 years, attracted 112 participants submitting 299 entries. In addition to first-, second- and third-place awards, 45 Certificates of Merit were presented to other entrants who scored closely to the third-place tallies in each category. All submissions to the contest were published in 2019.
Seamanship, Rescue & Safety – sponsored by Sea Tow Services International
1st place, “Touching the Water” by John Rousmaniere. Jim Rhodes said, “Rousmaniere grabs the attention of the reader at the outset with a compelling and moving lead, and then delivers on the promise with a well written story based on personal experience. A thoroughly good read.” Certificate of Merit: “To Moor or Anchor” by Tom Zydler.
The Business of Boating – sponsored by Evinrude
Certificate of Merit : “The Case for Buying a Charter Cat” by Tim Murphy
Boating Adventures – sponsored by Yamaha Marine Group
1st, “The Art of Cruising” by Tom Zydler; 3rd, “Chasing a Pacific High” by Ronnie Simpson. Judge Richard Armstrong commented, “The slow-motion adventure of a skipper/author and his artist wife as they explore the Canadian Maritimes and Greenland takes the reader on a journey past ice floes, calving icebergs, rugged terrain, and wildlife in a world most boaters will never experience.”
Boat Projects, Renovations & Retrofits – sponsored by Boats Group
2nd, “The Full Quiver” by Ronnie Simpson; 3rd, “Sweat, Tears and Fiberglass” by Jordan Wicht
Boating Travel or Destinations – sponsored by Kicker Marine Audio
Certificate of Merit: “Riding the Rideau” by Mark Pillsbury
Boating Profiles – sponsored by ZF Marine
Certificate of Merit: “Hard Aground, Caught Aback” by Gary Goodlander
Boating Columns – sponsored by KVH Industries, Inc.
2nd, “Off Watch” by Herb McCormick
Boating Lifestyles – sponsored by Discover Boating
1st, “Back to the Abacos” by Tim Murphy; 2nd, “Sisters from Other Mothers” by Barbara Marrett; Judge Betsy Haggerty noted, “In Back to the Abacos, long-ago journal entries and vivid descriptions of new experiences combine to bring readers along on a three-generation catamaran cruise that highlights the closeness of the family and the beauty of sailing in the Abacos.”