Ed Sherman, a longtime BOTY judge, recently retired from full-time service as the education vice president with the American Boat and Yacht Council. He continues in that role on a part-time basis. A frequent contributor to Cruising World, Boating, BoatUS magazine and the Marine Electronics Journal, during his career he also developed courseware for both the New England Institute of Technology, as well as the International Yacht Restoration School, the United States Navy and Coast Guard, and NOAA. Advanced Marine Electrics and Electronics Troubleshooting is one of his many books. Sherman has a fearsome reputation among longtime BOTY participants for immediately whipping out his screwdriver and opening the electrical panels the moment he steps aboard.

Ralph Naranjo, another BOTY veteran, is a round-the-world sailor, ocean racer, Safety at Sea moderator and former Vanderstar Chair at the US Naval Academy. A technical expert with deep knowledge of the design, building and use of cruising sailboats, he has served as technical editor and contributor to Cruising World, Practical Sailor and other marine magazines, and is the author of The Art of Seamanship, among other books.

Dan Spurr is a longtime writer and editor for numerous publications, including Cruising World, Practical Sailor and Professional Boatbuilder. He has owned and refit several cruising boats, including a Pearson Triton, Pearson Vanguard, Tartan 44 and Pearson 36. A prolific author, among his many books is the history of fiberglass boatbuilding, Heart of Glass: Fiberglass Boats and the Men Who Built Them.
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