sweet fire sauce 368
Barbara Gail Warden: I learned how to make this ultra-simple sauce while sailing in the Dominican Republic, from the wizened little woman who runs the Chicken Shack restaurant from her little house in Luperon, on the northern coast, where beer comes in giant, double-size bottles and costs about one dollar. The Chicken Shack is arguably the best restaurant there. This sauce is a favorite among all restaurant patrons – Dominicans and cruisers alike. It’s excellent on rice, in salads, and on chicken, beef, or strong fish. Try it!
1 cup white vinegar (must be white)
1 tablespoon sugar
3 to 5 thin, whole, hot chili peppers
Stir sugar into vinegar until dissolved. Add peppers. Stir. Keep in a sterilized, sealed container for three to five days. Remove peppers, then add sauce (cautiously!) to food. Do not cut peppers open! The heat will work right through their skins.